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Welcome to Bubup Womindjeka
Family and Children’s Centre.

Bubup Womindjeka is a community run, not-for-profit organisation providing integrated
early learning and care services to the community.

About Bubup Womindjeka Family and Children’s Centre

Bubup Womindjeka Family and Children’s Centre is a community run, not-for-profit organisation providing integrated early learning and care services to the community.

Bubup Womindjeka Family and Children’s Centre is committed to promoting a safe, equitable environment that supports a sense of belonging and respect. We advocate for the rights and participation of each child, throughout our organisation we embed the Child Safe Standards.

What to bring

Please provide a clearly named bag to keep your child’s belongings, including the below items. Your child’s bag and belongings must go home each day.

Please provide your child with a clearly named blanket/comforter for rest and sleep times.

Please provide your child’s bottles, pre-made up, each day with the correct formula your child requires. Educators will rinse your child’s bottles; however, they will need to be washed at home. If your child drinks cow’s milk, we will supply the milk; bottles will need to be washed at home.

Please provide your child with a spare change of clothes in their bag. During the colder months, your child should be provided with gumboots, a weather proof jacket and beanie. During the warmer months, please ensure your child is protected from the sun by providing long sleeved tops.

Please provide a clearly named, drink bottle for water.

Please provide a named wide brimmed hat for your child. Bubup Womindjeka hats are available to purchase at reception for $10.

Please apply sunscreen on your child before you sign in. There is sunscreen in the rooms and at the front desk. The educators will support children to re-apply sunscreen as necessary. Sun Smart season is from 1st October to 31st March. If your child has sensitive skin, please bring your own sunscreen.

Nappies are provided. We encourage toilet training for children over the age of 2 years.

Please ensure your child does not bring toys from home. It can be distracting for the children and can often cause distress if the toy gets broken or goes missing. Children will have many other opportunities to share special interests from home within the learning program. A child’s comfort toy or item that helps your child rest or feel calm is permitted if it will support your child’s wellbeing.

Our service includes breakfast and lunch, as well as morning and afternoon tea. Our chef prepares healthy, nutritionally balanced meals and caters for all types of dietary requirements and food intolerances. Our menu’s are assessed by the Healthy Eating Advisory Service Victoria to ensure all meals met the recommended nutritional requirements for children.


Our Vision

An inclusive community that supports the development of engaged, capable & confident young learners.

Our Purpose

To provide an integrated family-focused community center where all children and educators have equitable opportunities to reach their full potential.

Our Values


We act with transparency, professionalism, and consistency. Our relationships are respectful and reciprocal and are built on trust, authenticity, and ethical interactions.


We acknowledge and respect that everyone has their own culture, beliefs, and strengths contributing to our rich and diverse community, creating a sense of belonging.


We work in partnership with all stakeholders to make decisions that
are responsible and fair. We recognise & value the interconnectedness between
our children, our families, our educators, and our integrated centre community.


Frequently Asked Questions

New families are required to pay the once-off Administration Fee per child upon accepting their enrolment. This helps us to ensure that we have accurate information such as emergency contact details and CRN numbers so that your Centrelink entitlements can be calculated accurately. We are also required to provide information to the Department of Education and Training to ensure Kindergarten Funding and other subsidies can be secured as appropriate. As a 155 place service, many families are involved in the service and the task of enrolment is significant. The administration fee goes towards the resources and electronic systems required to complete these tasks.
Families are charged for fees on Public Holidays if you have a permanent booking on the day that a public holiday falls as we are still required to pay our staff for these days.

Fees are charged fortnightly. This will allow us to ensure that Centrelink entitlements are
calculated more accurately and will ensure your statements accurately reflect your current
fee balance. The fee schedule for 2024 will be communicated at the beginning of the year
which will outline the days when fees will be charged for all of our programs.

We require four (4) weeks notice for any cancellation of an enrolment and two (2) weeks notice for changes to enrolments in writing. This is required to cover the time it may take us to fill a vacant position.


Governance and Strategic Focus

The Board of Governance is always looking for committed volunteers to share knowledge, skills and experience as the Board continues its insight, oversight and foresight of Bubup Womindjeka’s governance and operations. Vacancies will be advertised here once available but applications are welcome throughout the year.