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For further information please get in touch with the Better Health Network Team on:

Better Health Network Child Development Team

At Bubup Womindjeka, Better Health Network offers support services for families in relation to concerns parents may have with their child’s development or managing the pressures of raising a family. These professionals provide a range of services that support children and parents, and our educators during the important developmental years, and work with all involved to understand their needs and ensure they have the best start and opportunities to reach their potential. We have an onsite psychologist available to support families, who can also facilitate referrals to other services as required (e.g. Speech therapy, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, counselling).

This team of specialised staff are able to help if your child is having problems with:
Better Health Network can provide specialised support and care for your child at BWFCC, home and/or the Better Health centre.

Frequently Asked Questions

Parents with children 0-6 years of age.

Every 1st Wednesday of the month online from 11am-12pm and

Every 3rd Monday of the month online from 10am-11am

The cost is means tested for community health services.