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Troy Hoggan

Convenor of People and Culture Committee

Troy has over twenty years experience helping leaders in global insurance, banking and technology organisations improve culture, effectiveness, capability and performance. His body of work has spanned a range of disciplines including customer-experience strategy, change management, leadership and organisational development.

Troy holds post graduate qualifications in commerce and human resource management and is completing the Company Directors Course as a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD). Following twelve years at Australia’s largest telecommunication company, Troy continues to consult to a range of organisations in the corporate, government and education sectors and a regular contributor at industry forums on workplace culture and performance.
As a parent and local resident, Troy has been involved with the centre since 2014, with his youngest child continuing to attend Bubup Womindjeka.

Troy joined the Board as an ordinary member in February 2018, and shortly after appointed as President. He sits on the Board Leadership Committee.