Gilda Howard
Board President and Governance and Appointments Convenor
Gilda Howard is a consultant specialising in governance and management within the early childhood sector and is passionate about the need for excellent governance to ensure better outcomes for children and their families. She has both education and management expertise and qualifications with a Master of Education (Educational Leadership & Management) and Diploma of Business (Governance). With her professional learning including the Company Directors Course at the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
Gilda has held several leadership roles both at an operational and strategic level. She was the CEO of Gowrie Victoria, the inaugural CEO of Bubup Womindjeka Family & Children Centre and the inaugural Chair of Glen Eira Kindergarten Association Inc.
Gilda has substantial experience and a long, valued association within the early childhood, education and care sector as an educator, manager, trainer, mentor and consultant. In recognition of her contribution to the sector she was awarded a life membership of Gowrie Victoria. She is also a Fellow of the Institute of Community Directors Australia.
Gilda’s connection with BWFCC began in 2013 during the establishment of the service and she is pleased to be returning to the organisation as a board member and is looking forward to sharing her expertise and being part of the continued growth of the organisation.
Meet Our Team
Our Educational Leadership Team offer our educators mentoring and guidance to support their professional knowledge and skills and to ensure delivery of the highest quality education and care environments.